Should You Get a Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a House?
South End Plumbing, Heating, & Air Expert Tips

Should You Get A Plumbing Inspection Prior to Buying A House?
Don’t Ignore the Plumbing Inspection
Prior to you buy clothing to put on your body, you’ll analyze the clothes, attempt them on and make sure they fit. If you’re acquiring a car, you’ll test drive it, examine under the hood, and maybe you’ll even hire a mechanic to take a look at the car. Purchasing a house is not all that different, particularly since a home has inspectors that need to come out to analyze the house when it’s going to be sold to another party. Having the home inspected for sound building, you’ll want to make sure that the home is likewise checked as well for sound plumbing system in order to minimize troublesome repairs.
Most people skip the plumbing inspection since it’s something that is not required, however the issues that might be found after you move into the home would quickly make the assessment worth the expense.
To get a loan on a home a plumbing inspection should be required but unfortunately, they aren’t. Nevertheless, demand getting a pipes examination if you want your brand-new house to be ready for use, especially if you want the plumbing to be working effectively.
What If You Don’t Get A Plumbing Inspection
Well there can be unfavorable effects if you choose not to get a plumbing evaluation, and here are issues that you might face:
- Plumbing problems will be found too late.
- You’ll just understand about the pipes that you can see (there’s more you don’t).
- Plumbing underground might have issues that you’re unaware of.
- The pipes problems that are later found may be really expensive.
- You may consistently have plumbing come to the house.
- You might lose a lot of time handling pipes concerns.
Late Discovery– It’s bad enough to move into your house to find later on that there are plumbing problems, however it’s even worse to discover these issues so late that they end up being a huge liability and might even cost more than they would have if they had actually been discovered before you relocated. Plumbing issues tend to only worsen, especially if they lay undiscovered for a prolonged time period, so discovering these problems ahead of time is always the very best.
Unknown Pipes Issues– You may have done some evaluation on the plumbing in the house yourself, however just the pipes that shows up to the naked eye is what you will be inspecting. What about the main drain line? Did you consider the pipelines that are buried under the ground? Are there any pipelines near a tree that may later on be affected by the roots of the tree? A plumbing inspection can discover whatever within a home whereas you can just evaluate what you can see and might not know about the other problems that wait.
Outside Plumbing Problems– Numerous plumbing issues lie beyond the home due to the fact that the piping system does not only stay within the home. Those who have a watering system or lawn sprinkler may have plumbing issues with the system, and the pipes outdoors might also consist of many problems that only a plumbing inspector can find. It may be a good idea to ask to see prior water bills.
Expensive Issues– If you didn’t understand that you required a septic system replacement, then you be in for a very costly issue once you acquire the home.
Septic tanks typically need to be placed underground, which indicates leasing a backhoe, unearthing the ground, hiring somebody to do the work, paying for the septic system, burying the tank, linking it to the plumbing, and covering it up once again. Anticipate to pay tens of countless dollars for such a project, a cost you might have avoided had you just picked to get a pipes evaluation.
Repeated Plumber Visits– With unidentified pipes issues in the house after you relocate, you might have to call one plumbing technician out after another because you might have a number of issues that take place over time, which all would have been addressed right away before buying the home if you employed an inspector.
Lost Time– No one likes to waste time, specifically when they’re busy throughout the day. Handling a great deal of plumbing issues in your brand-new home can cost you a lot of time, which means you might even have to miss work or time with friends and family trying to handle these concerns.

Is Off Color Water a Concern?
A Plumbing inspection will look for this, which is an issue in a great deal of houses but usually can be fixed. Discolored water has numerous sources, however one of the most typical reasons is because of a bad hot water heater that has ended up being rusted, or a leakage or fracture in the pipeline somewhere that’s underground. A Plumbing inspector will be able to find the factors for the discolored water and will resolve it with the very best solution on how to fix it.
Are the Toilets Completely Working?
The toilets in any home must operate right, do a check to see if they operate is a must along with ensuring that they are not leaking anywhere.
If a toilet has a leak, then it may be needed to replace the toilet, and if mold is an issue at the base of the toilet, then extra steps need to be taken to repair that issue.
Does the Water Heater Work Correctly?
The hot water heater needs to be functioning to enable hot water to be provided to the house. The plumber will do an evaluation of the whole water heater to make sure it isn’t leaking in addition to make sure that rust isn’t a problem with the heating element. The water heater needs to be thoroughly tested, and it must be figured out if the heater can endure usage in the house for numerous more years, especially if the heating unit has actually already had extreme usage.
South End Plumbing specializes all plumbing services, so remember, we are just a click away. We also specialize in leak detection – give us a call! South End Plumbing is one of the only companies that will give you a free estimate. Call us at 704-919-1722 or fill out the form online to schedule a visit.