How Much Time Does the Average Shower Last?

South End Plumbing, Heating, & Air Expert Tips

Average Amount of Time in the Shower
Average Amount of Time in the Shower

How Much Time Does the Average Shower Last?

The amount of time people spend in the shower is all over the place, and if you share a household with someone who spends way too much time in the shower it can begin to infringe on your hot water supply. But it is a fact that we all have to get clean and a shower is usually the fastest way to do it unless you have a very laid back morning routine and can take a long hot bath. But for the rest of us, it is a rushed morning shower or often a quick shower before bed.

According to the site Home Water Works, the average person living in the US is in the shower for 8.2 minutes every day which comes out to 17.2 gallons of water. When you add up the amount of used water in a year all across America, the numbers are staggering.

If you do decide to cut back on the amount of time you’re in the shower, not only would you be helping the planet but you also may find yourself with a lot more hot water for others in your family.

How to Save Shower Time
How to Save Shower Time

How To Save Time in the Shower

If you don’t have a tankless water heater, you don’t have an endless supply of hot water. An average size home has enough hot water with a conventional tank water heater to usually take 2 hot showers at the most (or one hot bath). There are however a few ways you can save time and hot water though.

1. Take a Lower Temp Shower

If you are in the middle of the heat wave like Charlotte NC right now, a warm shower doesn’t too bad. But in the middle of winter this will definitely make you much more efficient and help you get out of the shower much quicker.

2. Applying Moisturizer in the Shower

There are many people like to do this in an elaborate post-shower ceremony but you could save so much time if you do it while you are in the shower.

3. Play A Song

Do you like to sing while in the shower? Then create a short shower playlist with your favorite songs and get out the minute it is over.

Earth Saving Tip: If it takes a long time for your shower to get hot, then you can collect the cold water in a bucket and use it to water plants.

South End Plumbing specializes tankless water heaters so remember, we are just a click away. We also specialize in leak detection – give us a call! South End Plumbing is one of the only companies that will give you a free estimate. Call us at 704-919-1722 or fill out the form online to schedule a visit.

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