When it’s time to replace your AC Unit – (Old vs. New air conditioning)

South End Plumbing, Heating, & Air Expert Tips

When its time to replace your AC Unit


One of the most valuable systems in the Charlotte NC area is your cooling system. But is your old air conditioner ready for the season?


HVAC Replacement in CharlotteBeing in Piedmont and in a highly urbanized landscape can really affect the summer months. For that reason alone you should be paying attention to how your old system is affecting your electric bill. In this article, we’ll talk about a few factors that dramatically affect performance when comparing an older AC system to a new system.

Major Improvements
Some of the major improvements to modern AC systems include noise levels, power consumption efficiency, and the elimination of older-rated coolants.

  • Reduced Noise –  Most of today’s systems can reduce noise by as much as 25%. This reduction in noise level translates to a system that runs smoother and offers a better quality of life if you have living areas such as decks and patios around your outside AC condenser. Often noise levels produced by older systems are a bad sign that the bearings in your fan are starting to go out, or the compressor is getting ready to fail.
  • Energy Consumption – Some older AC systems can use as much as 6500 watts of electricity per hour to cool a home. This cost can add up quickly, especially for homes that are in direct sun and during the long summer days. Some of the air conditioners now can cool the same size home for as little as 1700 watts! Offering a decrease of 250%. You could save $100-200 potentially on your power bills.
  • Modern Refrigerant Coolants – Over there years there has been new science revealing the damage to the environment with older coolants. Now newer systems use R410A  which does not contain chemicals that are harmful to the ozone in our atmosphere.

There are other factors to consider when planning on replacing your old HVAC units. Right now before it gets too hot you can mitigate your downtime by keeping your family comfortable. Also, we offer financing with some of the historically lowest rates available. Also when you purchase a new unit you get warranties that go sometimes beyond what the manufacturer offers because our work is guaranteed. That piece of mind will help you as the years go by knowing that you won’t see unexpected costs in repairs for a long time.

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