6 Most Common Causes of Low Water Pressure in a Shower Head
South End Plumbing, Heating, & Air Expert Tips

6 Common Causes of Low Pressure in a Shower Head
“Oh no, the shower has low pressure again!” It’s a terrible thought when you enter a shower with low water pressure. Sure, it’s a frustrating problem however it can likewise signify a larger pipes issue.
Low pressure in a shower can be caused by a number of issues such as a clogged up showerhead, a worn-out mixing valve, closed valve, leaking pipe, or even a faulty hot water heater. Don’t get overloaded however, since we’re here to help you limit and recognize the cause of your shower woes.
How to fix a shower with low water pressure
The first thing you must do is determine if the low pressure is a single or widespread concern.
- Is both the cold and hot water of the shower impacted?
- Does the sink faucet in the very same bathroom also have low pressure?
- Are there other rooms that seem to have the exact same concern?
With the answer to those questions in mind, you can start to examine these typical reasons for low water pressure in showers.

1. Obstructed showerhead
Gradually, mineral deposits can accumulate inside the small holes of the showerhead, interfering with or blocking the water flow. To remove the mineral accumulation, let the showerhead sit in a bowl or bag filled with vinegar overnight. Next, utilize a small tool to brush or poke any staying sediment from the showerhead holes.
2. Low-flow showerhead
Conserving water is an advantage, however old low-flow showerheads can be too stingy with water and make it feel like the pressure is lacking. Luckily, swapping out the old showerhead with a new model is an easy do it yourself task.
3. Worn-out mixing valve
If you have a single-handle faucet in your shower or tub, it may have an internal part called a mixing valve that controls the quantity of hot and cold water sent out to the showerhead. If that valve is stuck or worn out, it can shake off the temperature and pressure. The mixing valve can be difficult to gain access to and replace, so it must be left to a skilled plumbing professional.
4. Closed valve
There are numerous valves throughout your pipes system. If any of them are partly closed– frequently done by mishap– you could experience low water pressure. Make sure the water meter valve, primary shutoff valve, and all inline valves are completely open.
5. Water heater problem
If the low water pressure only takes place when turning on the hot water, then the concern may lie with your water heater. Contact a plumbing professional to see if the unit requires to be repaired or replaced.
6. Defective water pressure regulator
The water pressure regulator’s job is to keep your home within a safe water pressure range (generally 46-60 psi). This essential component can stop working, enabling the pressure to get exceedingly low or high. The water pressure regulator is typically located on the water supply line prior to it goes into the home and needs to only be replaced by a qualified plumbing technician.
South End Plumbing specializes in faucet replacement and repair, so remember, we are just a click away. We also specialize in leak detection – give us a call! South End Plumbing is one of the only companies that will give you a free estimate. Call us at 704-919-1722 or fill out the form online to schedule a visit.