Troubleshooting The Most Common Tankless Water Heater Problems

South End Plumbing, Heating, & Air Expert Tips

Troubleshooting The Most Common Problems for
Tankless Water Heaters

Common Tankless Water Heater Problems
Common Tankless Water Heater Problems

Tankless water heaters are a terrific investment for your office or home. Not just are they highly efficient, but they can likewise conserve you money by heating water just on-demand. Unusual, concerns still can emerge if something isn’t working correctly within your water heater.

Here are a few common issues and upkeep concerns for tankless water heaters:

  • Mineral Accumulation
  • System Overload
  • Cold Water Sandwich
  • Air Supply or Exhaust Blockage
  • Ignition Failure
  • Flame Failure

Read the following to learn what signs to look for when identifying these concerns and how to repair them!

Tankless Water Heater Flush
Tankless Water Heater Flush

Mineral Accumulation
Whether you use a standard or a tankless hot water heater, you will need to keep an eye out for mineral accumulation inside your water heater. Hard water (in contrast with soft water) is water with a high mineral material, and the harder your water, the greater the potential for damaging mineral accumulation. Calcium and Magnesium are the two minerals that most often cause flaky buildup, and this can hinder the function of your water heater if you do not address is. If you own a tankless water heater or are upgrading from a standard tank water heater to tankless, it is likewise essential to examine the water filter in your hot water heater, specifically if you have well water. Tank water heaters do not have to be cleaned as typically, if ever, however tankless hot water heater require more look after a long-lasting life. Well water can cause a quicker buildup of debris in your tankless hot water heater making it challenging for water to travel through the long, narrow course to the heat exchanger. If you are sporadically checking your water filter, debris can become trapped in this long path if not visited your water filter. To prevent damage, flush your water heater every six months with a descaler or have one of our plumbers perform the maintenance for you. You can also use a water softener to slow the buildup.

Note: If you do not have the attachments to clean your water heater you need a valve bypass set to assist with the cleaning procedure.

System Of The Down
Depending on your tankless hot water heater’s capability, too many users at once (such as multiple showers running) can overload your hot water heater. Your hot water heater might struggle to provide the hot water needed or shut down completely if it ends up being overloaded. If this takes place, you need to reduce the demand for warm water by limiting synchronized usages, and you may wish to consider resetting your system. If your tankless water heater often becomes overloaded, you need to think about either updating to a tankless water heater with a greater capability or including a 2nd system. Although a 2nd system may seem like a big financial investment, it can actually save you money in the long run because you’ll utilize less water while awaiting warm water to get here and less gas to heat the water. Our plumbers are trained in helping you decide what your best options are as far as sizing.

Cold Water Sandwiches
If your household regularly takes back-to-back showers, you might notice a “cold water sandwich.” Say a member of your family just finished showering and now it’s your turn. You turn on the shower and feel warm water at first, but then get blasted with numerous seconds of cold water prior to the temperature level gradually climbs back up. Here’s what occurred: When the very first shower ended, some warm water was staying in the pipes in route to the shower. When the second shower started, the preliminary warm water you felt was the trapped water. Tankless hot water heater are also called “rapid water heaters” and they have actually earned that name! Any cold water that you are experiencing in your shower is due to cold water living in the pipes between your water heater and your shower. The more your water needs to travel from the water heater to its location, the more noticeable the space. There’s no method to prevent this, however now that you’re aware of the problem, you can avoid jumping in the shower till the cold water has passed.

Birds Nests In the Exhaust
For most tankless hot water heaters, the screen with show a code to inform you that your air supply or exhaust is obstructed. This suggests your water heater is having issues with either combustion air or venting. First, check all vent pipes to guarantee they are linked appropriately and devoid of leaks. Refer to your product manual to make certain the clearance requirements are being fulfilled, as installing your water heater too near to other objects can block the air supply and create a fire threat. Birds nest, rodents and wasps nest can likewise block your venting, so be sure to thoroughly examine all vents that lie or lead outdoors your home.

Houston We Don’t Have Ignition
There are numerous reasons your hot water heater could fail to ignite. Frequently, this problem is brought on by the gas supply, so check to ensure your LP tank is full before you do anything else. If your gas valve or water valves are not totally opened, this could also cause the ignition to stop working. Inspect and open gas and water valves totally. If these steps do not resolve the ignition problem, then either your ignition pack has failed or there’s a bigger problem. You need to call support to help fix the issue and order replacement parts if needed.

No Flameage 
Flame Failure is generally caused by either a gas pressure problem or an electrical concern. Similar to ignition failure, you ought to initially dismiss easy causes such as a low gas tank or shut off due to a late unpaid gas bill. Other possible causes of flame failure include a gas line that’s too small, regulator failure, combustion problems, venting and more.

Having a Tankless Water Heater Issue, However Unsure the Precise Problem?

Tankless water heaters are typically low upkeep and really effective, but problems can still occur. This list includes some of the more typical issues that individuals have with tankless hot water heaters, however it is not all inclusive.

South End Plumbing specializes in tankless water heaters, so remember, we are just a click away. We also specialize in leak detection – give us a call! South End Plumbing is one of the only companies that will give you a free estimate. Call us at 704-919-1722 or fill out the form online to schedule a visit.

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