It is Vitally Important to Get Water Heater Installation Right

South End Plumbing, Heating, & Air Expert Tips

It’s Vital to Get Water Heaters Installed Properly

Did you know that more than 400 hours of videos are uploaded every minute? There are billions of videos on YouTube alone. If you turn to videos to learn how to do DIY home repair projects, you aren’t alone. It is estimated that the average amount of video content watched each day is more than a billion hours. With that much information handy, it is tempting to think you can become an overnight DIY success at anything to do with your home. It is great to have that kind of enthusiasm because it feels great to accomplish something on your own. However, water heater installation is one of those things that is vitally important to get right and could be riskier than you think.

Every year, there are injuries and deaths related to improper water heater installation with the majority having been attempted by DIYers. One of the reasons it is risky to do yourself is that water and electricity can be a dangerous mix if things go wrong. An improper installation can result in electrocution or an electrical fire. You could also damage the electronics of your new water heater. It isn’t any safer if you are doing a gas water heater because improper water heater installation can result in carbon monoxide poisoning.

A better game plan is to call us at South End Plumbing. Not only will your water heater installation be done right the first time, but we will take a look at your current heater first to make sure it really does need replaced. It is common to think that replacement is the only option when your water heater isn’t performing properly, but we often find repairs more feasible in many cases. Give us a call today to find out more!

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